The Rise of Soyboys: Crypto Chaos and John Waylon’s New Adventure

Y’all are not gonna believe what crypto
chaos and John Waylon just got me into.
That’s right, it’s about to go down.
First, let’s look at the chart that we’re gonna be referencing.
That’s right, we’re talking about the new Soyboys.
An investment firm has taken over the project.
They have relaunched and the new contract now ends in N H Z I.
And they shot out of the gate like a rocket ship.
They’re now 2.57 million already.
A lot of projects will just pray that they can reset high, right?
They’re just hoping. Please let me get the 2.57 million.
They’ve already reached that milestone.
And we’ve reached a little consolidation area right here, so.
And then this promo cannot be complete without some soy milk.
Oh, I’m gonna have to turn the chart off.
We don’t wanna rip the viewers off.
Alright, hold on.
I’m a little scared cause I just got it at the store.
It is still cold.
Here we go. It’s gonna mess up my beautiful hair.
Oh! Oh,
it’s cold. Ah,
it’s cold, it’s cold. Ah!
And this is a pay promo, by the way.
I wouldn’t do this for free.
Do your own research. Not,
but I don’t advise. Oh, it’s a disaster.
All right, I’m out of here. Bye.