Journey Entertainment: Card Games, Guitar Strumming, and Netflix Binging

Playing cards,
putting my earphones in. Quite boring.
Got a long journey, haven’t we?
So just a few car games in it.
Um, on the bus down to Exeter,
I am going to be playing my guitar,
annoying a few people around me.
Uh, I’m gonna be absolutely butchering fields of gold.
Um, and then once I’ve given up on that,
I’ll probably then proceed to play football manager.
Playing a bit of trumps.
Uh, reading a book.
Uh, sleep. Music.
Netflix. Can’t go wrong
Oh, I’ll be annoying. Money.
What is it?
Playing UNO. And.
And listening to music. Yeah, listen.
Just listening to music. Listening to music.
and watching.
Watching YouTube.