Authenticity in Recruitment: Sharing Meaningful Experiences and Building Sisterhood

Recruitment is not the opportunity to list off
the calendar of events that
your chapter has coming up,
the philanthropy script that
your national organization has given you,
or even list up the values of your chapter.
Recruitment conversations are
the opportunity for you
to talk about what you felt,
what you experienced at each of those events,
supporting each of those causes,
and living out each of those values.
Do not read off or recite experiences that
you have had with the chapter
that a PNM could find on the website.
Talk about experiences that are unique to you,
experiences with sisterhood,
memories that you’ve made
with different members of the chapter,
that can give that PNM
an insider’s look on what it means to be
a member of your sorority.
Be authentic and genuine
recalling memories that really matter to you
and I think that will also
reinvigorate your love for your chapter
and make recruitment a little bit less
of a chore 😉