Embracing the Power of Words: A Humorous Journey from Clothes to Garments

this is really funny because
you know why I say
garment instead of clothes?
i have trouble conjugating
the words clothes
and clothing in a sentence
in ways that don’t
sound clunky
and I don’t know what it is
about those words
in particular
but there are a few
other words too where,
because of my brain damage,
if I use the word
clothes in a sentence,
like, in the middle
of a sentence,
I will sometimes
have to record
like, nine takes of
a particular sentence
because the second that
I use the word clothes
it just- it’s like I can’t
properly pronounce any
word after clothes.
another aspect of it is
I noticed that after I
started using the words
garment and wardrobe
as supposed to
like, clothes and clothing,
I would get snarky comments
now and then from
people who were like,
“I don’t own anything nice
enough to be
considered a garment 😂”
and I was like, “oh,
there are connotations
to the word garment
that imply that it’s more
expensive or higher quality
than just an
article of clothing.”
but everything is a garment
by definition.
garments are
expensive to make!
so I decided to keep going
with the usage of
the word garment
because I want people to regard
everything in their closet
as a garment.
I want them to regard every
garment that they have
as this precious thing
that is worth taking care of,
because it’s expensive,
it’s a work of art.
it is literally handmade!
like, it’s fancy,
but it’s true.
everything is a garment.
everything is worth taking care of.
it’s all important!