Unexpected Discovery: The Story of a Hidden Graphite Fragment

Okay, so I’m so glad you asked this,
because I totally forgot about this,
but this happened in, like,
grade 6, right when I was like, 24.
I was in the shower and my chest was really itchy,
so I went to go scratch it,
like, right where the scar was.
The scar was always itchy.
It was so annoying. Um,
but that day, I went to go scratch it in the shower,
and a chunk of lead. Not really lead.
They’re actually made out of graphite.
Which is why it’s not really that big of a deal
that a chunk was stuck in me for so long.
The doctors were like,
it’s probably more work to take it out than it would be,
you know, it wouldn’t be worth it.
But anyways, yeah,
so a chunk of graphite came out,
and it was, like, powdered, like,
almost like chalk at that point.
Um, so my body must have been rejecting it for a really long time.
Yeah, it finally came out.
So there’s like, a tiny,
tiny scar now. Um,
whereas before it was like,
a larger gray scar where all the graphite was.
Um, but yeah,
now you can’t really tell it’s there.
But anyways, I’m gonna go to bed,
so if you guys have any other questions,
just leave them in the comments below.
I’ll either answer them or I’ll make another video.
Um, because I always remember, like,
little details cause it happened so long ago. Now, um.
And, yeah,
I’ll let you guys know in the comments below
or in another video tomorrow.