Embracing Greatness: The Inspiring Story of Tim Walsh

That’s an amazing compliment.
He’s an inspiring man who’s accomplished a lot in his life,
and he does it with such humility,
such humble Grace. And I can be honest,
before a few weeks ago, I had no idea who Tim Walsh was.
But I have immersed myself in figuring out who this incredible man is,
because when it comes to our elected officials,
I want to be educated. I want to know who they are.
And I can’t find a single thing wrong with him.
I can’t find a single way in which he isn’t humble and kind,
where he doesn’t stand up for people,
even in communities that he doesn’t belong to.
I can’t find a single instance where people aren’t inspired by him.
That’s greatness. That’s greatness if you can inspire others.
When you tread this journey,
this long, arduous,
hard journey through life,
if you have the ability to inspire others,
then do it.
So I will gladly take that trophy of reminding people like Tim Wallace.
Thank you.