Effortless File Transfer: Using an SD Card Reader to Transfer Photos and Videos to Your Phone

Good morning, everybody.
I’m gonna enjoy my breakfast.
But first I’m gonna show you how I take my photos and videos
from my digital camera
and transfer them over to my phone using this SD card reader
that’s only $5 right now in the TikTok shop.
This thing is super cool. Let me show you how this works.
So you take your SD card out of your digital camera,
or if you have an action cam or GoPro,
you do the same way.
It supports SD cards and microsd’s as well as thumb drives.
So you click this in here like this,
get your phone, and then you take your.
The other two plugs here. One is for USB C,
the other one is for Lightning.
Plug it into your phone, head over to your files,
and on the bottom right there,
it says USB storage. Go to D C I m.
There is your video and photo file. Click on that.
There is my picture I just took.
I’m gonna move this file onto my phone.
All I gotta do is hit the little three dots next to the picture
and hit move to
internal storage. Let’s go. Downloads.
Let’s go. Um.
Move here.
And now it’s moved. That’s it.
That’s how easy it is to use your SD card reader adapter
to transfer all your videos and files over your phone
in one simple step. And then
this thing is only $5 right now in the TikTok shop.
So If you guys want to pick one of these up,
click on that link down below.
It’s super handy to have
and it’s super easy to transfer all your files.
Alright guys, I’m gonna go enjoy my breakfast now. Bye.