Examining the Tragic Ending of The Twilight Saga Through the Lens of Rikki Tikki Tavi in Contemporary Young Adult Literature

There are lots of reasons to be upset about the way that The Twilight Saga ends
um I think Rikki Tikki Tavi is one of the most upsetting things to happen in
in modern contemporary young adult literature
and I see this comment
and I understand that it’s upsetting that Bella is parentified right
like she is Renee’s parent and Charlie’s parents
some extent for her whole human life
and then the arc ends with her again being a caretaker
but I wanna assure you that Bella has never and will never take care of little
resume the first day of Bella’s vampire life
the first day that her vampire eyes set upon little racetrack
and she fully grasped so this is her child
she says you know what
I’m gonna spend the night elsewhere
I’m gonna go to my bang cottage with my husband
she comes back the next morning
and the Cullens have given Rikki Tikki Tavi silverware to play with
she’s bending spoons like I Poltergeist
Stephanie Meyer gave Bella
A being a creature that does not need to be taken care of
Ragamuffin’s brain is already more developed than Bella’s ever will be
Rubik’s cube is the one who’s never gonna get to live herself
she’s gonna have to take care of her mom and her dad and the rest of Cullens
except for Esme is she gonna have to teach Esme how to drive