Keys to Success: A Talent Manager’s Guide to Representing Content Creators

as a talent manager for content creators
I’m gonna talk about what I look for when wanting to represent a talent
so first of all I never really look at following numbers
I feel like vanity metrics are maybe exciting and shiny at first
but there’s a lot of people with a lot of followers out there
and that doesn’t mean they should be represented or that I wanna represent
I’ve also Learned my lessons over the years
so some of my clients today that are like literally the most successful
I started representing when they had 15,000 followers
so judging just based off a following is not the best metric to look for
personally I represent macro creators
I’ve been doing this for a decade
and like I said before
some of those creators weren’t macro when they started with me
but they are now and that is my personal sweet spot
but there are people on my team that focus on micro creators
and are making a lot of money with those micro creators
so what do I look for there’s a few things
first of all I always look at their feeds
so I look at what platforms that they are active on
and it really should be more than two
or at least at a minimum two
I look at how active they are
how frequently they’re posting
I wanna see multiple posts a week and feed
um when talking to them
I wanna understand their goals
their missions what they wanna achieve
what is their why behind being a content creator
I wanna make sure they’re kind and easy to work with
I have some really gnarly horror stories
I wanna see them doing something different
I don’t wanna see them just creating content
the same way everyone else is doing it
I wanna see a unique point of view
an expertise a passion
just something that makes them stand apart
I wanna see that they’re active on affiliate
and that they have decent conversion
I know that one is a vanity metric
it’s a tough one because brands want it
and so if the brands are wanting ROI and conversion from content creators
I know it’s something that the creator needs to be able to monetize
or at least start working on it
I wanna see ambitions that are like offline
so I wanna see ambitions for starting a podcast
a clothing line writing a book
like things that I can help them connect the dots with
and to basically just build out their footprint beyond the internet
they should have some decent brand partnership workflow already in the mix
it gives me like
a good indication that the marketplace is interested in this creator
and using my connections and relationships
I can only just build upon that
I find that like
the beauty vertical for me
is one that I just have good relationships in
and is just easier for me to monetize
so I wanna make sure that the content creator
at least post about beauty as one of their content pillars
and yes I have to look at vanity metrics only because that’s what brands look at
and so I know that is necessary for monetization
so looking at the influencers story views uh demographics
looking at where they’re following base
is the majority of the brands that I work with want a US based following
so that piece is important to me
I also like to look at story link clicks because I
I think having strong and high link clicks
is a very good indication of a strong community
um so I definitely ask for all of those demographics and I
I like to dig into them and I think that’s like the gist of it again
it’s like making sure this person is really great to work with
and we can have a good working relationship
because the the manager and like
creator relationship is so close
and you really are part of their business and part of their team
and there’s like just so much constant communication so okay I gotta go