Title: Analysis of DNC Speaker Lineup and Exclusion of Palestinian American Prompt Controversy

The Democratic Party refused to allow a Palestinian American
to speak at the DNC.
But let’s take a look at who actually did get to speak.
You saw Republican after Republican after Republican take the stage.
We even got the former American Express CEO.
Now that’s my comrade right there.
And of course,
who could forget when Kathy Hockel fired up the crowd with this?
He never had to worry about anything or anyone but himself.
Then there were long periods of dead air,
dance parties, and at one point,
they just waved American flags for a good seven minutes straight.
It’s hard to accept that
they just didn’t have time for two minutes for my Palestinian.
The speech could have been vetted.
They released it in advance.
Mother Jones published a copy.
You could see some of it here.
This is incredibly tame language
and very deferential to the Kamala Harris campaign.
And there was even a sit in to which DNC delegates responded like this.
There were a few Democrats who spoke on behalf of Palestinians,
but if you really want to create a big tent,
why not allow them to speak for themselves?