Ultimate Tech Bargain: A Review and Comparison of a £1,000 Smartwatch vs. a £15 Smartwatch from the TikTok Shop

Guys, I’m seriously disappointed in myself
for spending nearly £1,000 on this smartwatch
when I went on the TikTok shop and bought this one for 15 quid.
I’m not being funny.
It does the same as what that expensive brand on there just does.
So it does all your, uh, fitness,
it does your sleep, it does your heart rate,
you can receive phone calls from it as well.
Text messages, um, sleep.
It literally does everything you would ever want.
And it’s 15 quid. So from now on,
you’ll be seeing this in the videos,
because I don’t mind if this gets a little bit beaten up
because it’s 15 pound. I can always buy another one.
I was spending that, unlike screen protectors for the expensive watch.
So if you fancy grabbing yourself one of these smartwatches
for only £15 from the TikTok shop,
you know what to do. Click the yellow button and check out.