Overcoming Procrastination: Unlocking the Potential of Making an Income Online

I touched yesterday on
my only regret with starting to make an income online
was the fact that I didn’t start it sooner
and as Fridays is my Q&A day um
I’d like to put that I’d like if you got any questions surrounding that
for instance
you know what’s stopping you
if you’re looking for ways to um
to make an income online you’ve been thinking of it for a while
you keep seeing these sort of videos
quite often and you think oh
you’re going to and then you don’t
then you go to I get it
because I was there too so
if you can maybe put put in the comments
what’s stopping you maybe I could do a video surrounding that during the day
during the day might delay your fears
it might not but
I hope it does because honestly
that my only regret is that I didn’t start it sooner so hopefully
seeing some videos answers today
they might help you too anyway
put any comments please do put them in the in the comments