The Ultimate CCTV Setup Guide for Clubhouse Bomb Site in 2v2 Jinx Tournament

If you’re watching the 2 v 2 jinx tournament this weekend,
then you’re gonna see a lot of this bomb site being played.
And that is CCTV on the clubhouse.
Now, it’s one of the oldest bomb sites in the book,
yet a lot of people don’t know how to set it up.
If you want to win every time,
then use this setup. So tag your siege friend and save this video.
Let me explain this step by step
how to defend that even a copper could understand.
First, we’re gonna go below in stock and put a C four right here.
And I’ll explain at the end of the video.
You’re gonna Wanna reinforce bottom garage with some mute jammers
to avoid any hard breach. Head holes here,
but reinforcement here.
So that way they have to force hop through the window.
With the main bridge reinforced,
we’re going to reinforce the middle right here with head holes
and a rotate on the side reinforcement on both construction walls.
And you’re all finished. Red Stairs is one of the best places
because you can hold every single point of entrance.
So as long as you hold construction,
main breach and garage, you’re all okay.
And remember that C4 that we put in.
You can thank stopping for that one.
It’s different. That’s my king.