Navigating the Maze: Understanding Anxiety and Depression

Thank god it’s Friday. I cannot wait to hit that road.
To give me a peace of mind.
But let’s get into this. Anxiety and depression.
Now, some of y’all may know,
some of y’all may not know,
but they go hand in hand. I didn’t understand it at first,
but my psychologist broke it down.
She was like, depression and anxiety,
basically, they’re gonna go hand in hand.
You may not feel the both of them at one time,
but it does not mean it’s not there.
Sometimes anxiety can take control,
and depression could be, like,
in a backseat, chilling.
And then sometimes depression could take full throttle,
and anxiety could be in the back seat.
But it’s good to know when it’s happening
so that you can spot it head on and get help.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist.
The difference between the two is one of them write prescriptions,
and the other one basically teach you coping mechanisms.
So the psychiatrist writes prescriptions.
Psychologist is the ones that you can talk to
that will help you through your problems.
I see both of them, and I don’t have an issue with it.
Okay. Now,
some people like to think you have to be crazy
in order to see a psychiatrist.
That is completely wrong. Just like there’s a specialist for everything,
like a cardiologist for cardiovascular,
a urologist for. For urology problems.
Well, psychiatry deal with anxiety,
depression, and other Problems that fall under the umbrella.
So Imma need y’all to go and get checked out.
If you not feeling yourself lately,
there’s nothing wrong with it,
and I promise I won’t judge y’all,
but let’s get into it. LA Plaza, Lafayette,
Dallas, Fort Worth,
and Arlington this weekend.