Digital Radicalization: The Pixel 9 Controversy and the Problematic Trends in Photo Editing

I have become totally radicalized by this phone on all of this and
and truly I am I have reached a point where I am like
shut it all down. Really
what what has continued to do it for me
especially with the Pixel 9
is not the like
there’s a great digital trend story that I think what he did was
he got it to show a picture of Barney firing an AK-47 at Elmo
and that is like in a certain way horrifying.
But like I actually track that as like
way less of a problem than some of the stuff that Chris Welch has been just
sort of relentlessly posting about the last few days.
Which is just like
he took a photo of an empty intersection in New York and with one request
made it look like there had been a bicycle accident there.
You can take a car with a dent and add the thing that dented it into the photo
even though it’s not there.
It’s this unbelievably mundane stuff that is so much more problematic to me,
than the fact that you can like
generate Nazi cartoon characters.
Which again is a thing that Google will let you do.
But you can’t have one without the other.
I’m increasingly convinced that like
the idea of like
I want to be able to insert myself into a photo with somebody else.
I get that I will absolutely
happily sacrifice that to get rid of all this other stuff.
Like we,
it just like shut it all down.