Wearing Watches Like Pearls: A Guide to When and How to Wear a Nice Watch

To be clear, I am a watch.
I’m pro watch. I’m pro nice watch,
but only for a special event.
What I’m anti nice watch is wearing it every day.
You’re not the guy that’s wearing it with the T-shirt
on a Saturday morning to get coffee.
You’re like, simmer down.
I, I think it’s like,
weird to go get your coffee and,
and like, walk around with the stamp on your forehead saying, like,
I’m rich. I think that’s fucking weird.
Okay, so you don’t like the nice watches in the everyday settings,
but if it’s like a black tie wedding,
by all means, please throw on your watch,
because in that setting, it is like a,
it’s a diamond necklace equivalent for a girl.
Exactly. It’s like pearls.
Yeah. Which is like, beautiful.
I think watches should be wear. Worn like pearls.