Monetizing Your Online Coaching Business: The Must-Have Offers for Success on Instagram and TikTok

these are mandatory offers
that you have to have
if you’re an online coach like me
who generates your leads
and signs clients from the content that
you post organically
on tiktok or instagram
don’t try to get creative
don’t try to reinvent the wheel
i have made over $1 million in sales in my own business
organically using instagram and tiktok
with these exact same offers
and i’m gonna put you on game
i’m gonna tell you everything
literally no gatekeeping
no bullshit
let’s just get into it
if you’re an online coach
anyone that has an information based business
meaning you sell your intellectual property
you sell your process
and the things that you’ve done to other people
so that they can get the same result
these are 3 great offers to start out with to make your life 10x easier
of course there are other offers
but i really just want you to focus on these
they’re gonna generate you the most amount of capital
in the shortest amount of time
and if you wanna get to a place like where i’m at in my business
where I’m generating $50k a month
every month consistently
just listen please
your first offer is gonna be your 1-on-1 VIP mentorship
this mentorship is going to be 3 months or 90 days
if you know math you know that those are exactly the same
in this 3 month process
you’re gonna start with an initial high level strategy session
the strategy session is literally going to be everything
that this person would need to know
to understand what the next 90 days
together is going to look like
and you’re gonna build up the strategy
before you get on the call
after that first call you’re gonna have 1 call a week
every single week you’re
gonna have a private chat
and any extra PDF or resources or video courses
that you have as extra material
the price this offer really depends on
your level of experience in your industry
what industry you’re in
if it’s solving a big enough problem for people
and if you actually have the ability to get your clients results
that’s a massive thing
so it can vary anywhere between $3,000 to 30 or $40,000
like my offer
you pick your price according to
what you’re capable of doing
i don’t know that cause i don’t know you
and you’re watching this video
so evaluate that for yourself
and be fucking honest
my 3 month mentorship is $25,000
and rightfully so because my clients get results
i have receipts and clients that work with me go viral consistently
and start to build a clientele from social media
even when they came to me
starting from 0
the second offer you wanna have is exactly like the first offer
but half of the duration
so instead of it being 3 months
just make it 6 weeks
all the deliverables stay exactly the same
you’re gonna have a high level strategy session
you’re gonna have 1 call a week
every week a private chat
extra PDF and resources video courses
so on and so forth
this makes it a really easy downsell
because if your high ticket offer is
let’s just say $3,000 and someone’s like whoa
i can’t afford that
you can go ahead and drop them and downsell them
into your medium ticket offer
which would be 6 weeks and you can charge $1,500 instead
it makes that 15 sound way more digestible
when you present it that way
and then the 3rd and final offer is going to be a 1-on-1
high level strategy session
this is a 1-time call it is 90 minutes
and the deliverables are
you get on the call with the person
and you will build out a strategy for them
for the next 90 days
that you won’t facilitate with them
that they will do all by themselves
you do it on zoom you record the call
you give them access to the recording
a summarization or recap of the call
and you send all that to them
now the beauty about these offers
and why i’m so adamant about these
being your 3 offers as a coach
is because they all feed into each other
they’re very easy to downsell and upsell through
someone gets on a call and their budget’s only $500
if you are to pitch this person the $3,000 offer
which is the 3 month offer
and you’re going back and forth and
you’re trying to deal with the objections
you’re trying to fight for them
and they’re just not budging
like they literally won’t commit to anything
it’s very easy to then downsell them
either into the 6 week
or into the 1 high level strategy session call
and let’s say you make it all the way down
to the one high level strategy call
and that calls only $1,000
and that person’s budget is 500
when you’ve initially pitched the 3 month offer at $3,000
when you go to pitch the
high level strategy session at $1,000
maybe you can break it up into 2 payments of 500 for them
which #1
fits their budget
it sounds so much more digestible than the 3 month offer
again i’m just picking numbers here guys
so honestly these numbers for me
would be a joke of a price
but we’re working on
something here together
but the great thing about
the high level strategy session
is that it is the starting call
for both of the other offers
the 6 week offer and the 3 month offer
the first call you guys are starting with is the high level strategy session
these are the 3 offers that i would use and how i actually sell them
so that people buy them
you’re welcome