In-Depth Discussion: Ranking Wolverine and Deadpool in Marvel Movies

where would you put Wolverine Deadpool compared to other Marvel movies?
Low key, no bullshit.
Top 10, easy.
Easily top five. We got Avengers movies in there in those top five.
And then some of the stand alone movies as well.
That is very true, bro.
Winter Soldier dog, that alone is an Avenger.
You like over there, bro?
What are we talking about?
That’s true. Winter Soldier alone is an Avengers movie.
Plus that plot with RDJ and Chris Evans.
Oh, my god, dude,
that was pure cinema. That’s pure superhero cinema right there, bro.
But this one. This one, I.
In my opinion, this one’s better than the first Deadpool.
Which one do you like better?
No way home or this movie?
I love this movie way more.
It’s. They can do so much.
Has so much freedom. Yes!
Dude, the jokes.
You guys let him know. The whole theater was fucking laughing.
Every five to 10 minutes, lines that you would kind of think
if you wrote that for any other character
or anybody else, they be cheesy as fuck.
Yeah, yeah,
but it was so fun. Every time Deadpool opened his mouth,
it was actually funny. On top of that,
they brought back my boy Hugh Jackman.
You feel me? He embodies Wolverine so well.
It hits even harder
because Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool back in the day
in the old X men movies as well.
And that’s just it. That wasn’t really Deadpool.
Deadpool You feel me?
And the fact that now he gets to reprise his role
and just fucking blow it out of the water is insane, bro.
I think so, too. Yeah.