The Crow Remake: A Disappointing Departure from the Original

the cwification of the Crow happened to me
but it doesn’t have to happen to you
just saw the Crow remake reboot whatever
it is actually kind of an important distinction
because even though this is about Eric Draven
it is way different than the 1994 film
for better or for worse uh
mostly worse but I do respect
honestly that they didn’t try to just make a carbon copy of the film
that everyone already loves
however they make two massive changes here that just did not work for me at all
the central romance for one
like the crux of the plot
I’ve seen some people saying that they enjoyed it
we get a lot more characterization for Shelly
which is awesome
they have not known each other for very long at all in this film
I mean the timeline is very unclear
but the Crow is about loving someone so much
that your soul literally refuses to move on when you die
we might see a lot less of them in the original
but it works because it’s framed almost like myth
and we get to kind of like
fill in the blanks and imagine how epic their romance is
and here they’re not only saying like
super cringey stuff like you’re brilliantly broken
but I just did not buy them together
they were giving like
stoner couple from your high school that break up once a week
there is also an added villain subplot that is like a mystery
like supernatural conspiracy
it might be from the source material
I’m not sure but the way it’s executed is just very really
and I thought I just overcomplicated the whole thing
Bill Scarsgard my husband
he’s fine for the first two thirds
I was like he’s not fit for this role
but then in the third act
they like
actually let him be pool out of nowhere
and I was like why weren’t we doing this the whole time
there’s a big finale that’s very gory
this is like way more violent than the original
it just has more like
blood and Gore but it’s like
too little too late I guess
it’s like occasionally visually interesting
I really don’t wanna play the comparison game
but if you’ve seen the original
you will just be missing the oppressive grunge aesthetic
like the city is its own character
you look at any frame of that film
and you understand the feeling that the movie is trying to convey here
you’re not only missing the 90s film grain
but so much more of it is
the effects in the spaces are just so massive and like sterile
everyone pretend to be surprised
I wish I had more to say about this that was positive
but this is like a one one and a half star film for me
I think if you haven’t seen the original
you’re more likely to enjoy parts of it
but you should also just watch the original anyways bummer
let me know what you guys think