I Am My Own Man

I’mma say this.
I’m a grown man.
I don’t need nobody to validate if I’m real or fake.
At the end of the day, I’m the one that lays my head down at night,
deals with the things that keep me from sleeping.
I’m a grown man.
I’m the one that straps these boots on my feet
to make sure that I can make these ends meet.
I don’t need nobody to validate if I’m doing wrong or right.
I’m my. I’m an open book.
My life is for me to judge.
And that man up there, nobody else.
So if you get mad because I don’t want to follow your drama
or your truths or anything like that,
so be it.
Get mad because I don’t want to be a part of it and unfriend you,
so be it.
I am my own person. I am not famous.
I am not rich. I am just me.
So if you want to believe anything, then believe it.
I respect anybody that gives me respect,
and a lot of y’all lack understanding and lack respect.
Y’all won’t think people do the things that you want them to do.
I don’t roll that way.
I love each and every one of you guys,
but when something that goes to my mental health and.
And triggers it, then I have to step away,
and that is all there is to it.
You can hate me, love me.
I’m sorry. I got a family.
Take care of.
I got a wife that’s going through pain.
I got a son that I worry about every single day.
We both do. My wife just had a miscarriage.
Of three.
Yeah, at one time.
Well, it lasted almost a week and a half to two weeks.
Didn’t confirm it, but.
So if you come across anything,
refer back to this video. Because I,
quite frankly, don’t care what nobody thinks about me.
Only thing I care is, you know,
that I’m a good person and I have the best interest.
But in one moment that I don’t feel comfortable about something
and I remove it, and that.
That makes me the bad man.
So be it. Y’all have a good night.