Breezy Brain Teaser: Fast-paced Mini Crossword Challenge with British Banter

Hello, everybody. Hello. We’re British, apparently. I don’t know. I started like that. That’s fine. How are we? We’re doing the mini crossword.

We’re gonna do it very fast because two brains better than one gonna be so speedy.

We did a full crossword yesterday in 14 minutes to this morning. The yesterday, this morning. Yeah, 14 minutes. So this should take us 20 seconds. We’ve been training for this moment. It’s also the big scary Saturday one. So that’s fine. Ops do we in training, we’re good.

Exactly. Alright, so you know answers, just shout it out. Let me know. Hey, we’ll get straight into it. Three, two, one, ailment. That sounds like a past tense verb. Whether it means. And it would.

Next one, sapes Moses slowly cheese named for an English village cheddar. The English Village Cheddar. I don’t know that much. A disappointing firework with three letters. Nada. Don’t know. Abbott Elementary. Have you seen that?

Never. No. Same cool cheese name for an English village. Why is it two cheeses? It’s gotta be cheddar again. Two cheddars. Swiss. Okay.

A main mocking smile. A smirk. Deity is a god. Fabulous. No, something the animals petting. Oh, so it’s not smirg, sneer. No. Oh, you repeating?

Did I? What? No, did I? Okay. Anyway, yeah, don’t. Oh my God, we’re really gonna die. Well, took charge of lead. Sure.

TD, I’m not a fan of all caught up on the latest updated. Iya apa? Hated. Yep. Cool. Closes shots. Nice. Enjoy to the last drop.

I don’t know. Read that next. Oh god, section of a row. No. Would it be like a genre or something? What the at the top here? What is this man? Did we got something wrong?

Oh, it’s a cheese . That’s not even right. It can’t be. No, something wrong. Yeah, let’s move. Come back to it. That’s fine. We done that.

Took charge of again. This one sucks. Send help. One born in late July. Astrologically, Leo, I’m guessing that’s a freebie. So what if we here? Cheese named for an English village. Now, what’s this?

Stilted? Is that a cheese named stilted? Oh, my God. Well, that cheddar, it could actually be cheddar if it’s not petting, right?

Actually, I was joking when I said that, but we’ll, it actually fits. I think it was too short. Okay, and we’ll pop it in. That’s fine. Okay, so then what are the downs now section of a music store? Maybe CDs? Oh, yeah, yeah, that would work. Oh, and then the firework would be a dud.

Okay. And the cheese. The second they sell the village stilted. That’s all I can think of. A head paid. Pee, don’t pee dong. No pee dong. The feeding, we didn’t even look at.

Plus, at the top, an ailment that sounds like, oh, flu. Like flu. Like a bird of flu. Oh, with the dumbest kids in school. Oh, my God. It’s still . It’s just gotta wait. Or what are these downs again?

SA Saiva. Yeah, and took charge of the save ore. Yeah, Stilton. And then it could be ran if you took charge of. Oh, four minutes 27 . Yeah, we’re . No peed on the animals. No, don’t, please don’t pee dong the animals.

It’s always dumb. Can’t seriously pee dong baiting. Oh, god. Okay. Thanks for watching. Let us know how you did.

If you beat four minutes 27, which you probably did, you’ve got bragging, right? So let us know. Feel free to brag. We’re gonna go. Hopefully see you another video. Until then, bye bye.