Ruthless Aggression: The Showdown for the WWF Title

If there was one justification in last night, it was knowing that I
crippled the rattlesnake.
When it was said and done,
it was me. Single handedly.
I annihilated him. I maimed him.
Steve Austin will never, ever be the same again. I saw it in his eyes.
He wasn’t just beaten, he was done.
And now Steve Austin is sitting watching this very interview,
flat on his back in some hospital bed in Minnesota
with his legs up in the air like some cheap prostitute.
Well, that’s true.
Oh, what?
You got something to say about this?
Oh, wait,
wait. That’s right,
that’s right, JI.
I forgot.
Mcfoley, Austin.
They’re your boys, right?
Yeah, they’re your boys.
I’ll tell you what. You’re enjoying this,
aren’t you?
I see the little smirk in your eyes.
I see it in your face. You’re enjoying every little minute of this.
Oh, this should get a little piece of business in it,
JR. Stand Triple H out here in front of the world,
not getting what he wants.
You enjoy it, don’t you?
Yeah, you enjoy it just like I’m gonna enjoy what I’m about to do.
Here, hold this.
Oh, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey!
What do you mean with? Triple H has got. Now, Mick,
Mick, I know that you’re back there
and you got what’s mine. I want your ass out here.
I want what is mine, or I am gonna break his arm like I broke your leg.
Like I broke Austin’s leg!
Now get out here! He’s calling out mankind!
Don’t try me!
Don’t try me, punk!
Get out here or I swear to God,
I will break his arm! Oh,
here he comes.
Oh, you can let him go.
Vince is on his way to the ring.
No, that’s far enough. That’s far enough!
That is far enough! You come any closer,
and I will break it. Mick,
you screwed me last night.
Well, paybacks are a bitch, pal.
I want what is mine. You want a title shot?
I want my shot by now. You don’t have to threaten JR.
You want a shot at this belt,
all you had to do is ask. But you’ve got to let him go.
I got my shot. I give you the shot if you let him go.
You and me tonight.
I give you the shot tonight.
That’s exactly what I wanted.
Thanks a lot.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
I mean, that was.
You hear that?
We need to get some help out here for.
For JR right now.
I mean, Triple H calls out Mankind! Triple H,
you break his arm, then,
damn it, I’m gonna break my promise,
you don’t get a title shot. What?
Whoa! Break it! Break it!
No chance!
Wait just a second, Mick.
Come here, Triple H! China!
I got it! Wait just a second, Mick.
Hey, Mick,
I know all about commitments and promises,
and I intend on keeping Mine.
Just like tonight, Mick,
you’re gonna keep yours. Now, unfortunately,
Commissioner Michaels is not in the house this evening.
So as the owner of the World Wrestling Federation.
Mick, I’m ordering you.
You will defend the World Wrestling Federation Championship
in that very ring tonight against Triple H!
Hey, Mick,
one last thing for you. Have a nice day.
Oh, my gosh.
Shane is making mankind keep his promise,
just like Shane is keeping his.
And I mean, that’s it.
Mankind is forced to defend his.
His WWF title here tonight against Triple H!
This is coming. That was.
That was a sickening sound that we heard coming from jr’s arm.