Navigating Adulthood: Let’s Talk About Insurance, Streaming, and Phone Plans

Alright son, it’s time for the talk.
The talk? Dad,
I’m in my 20s. Isn’t it kind of late for the talk?
No, not that talk.
I’m talking about the adulthood talk.
The adulthood talk? You’re moving out,
you’ve grown up. So now it’s time I take you off my insurance plan. Huh?
I am also taking you off my streaming plan.
Wait, not the streaming.
You don’t even watch TV anymore.
I do. I mean, sometimes.
Okay, well,
I’m also taking you off my phone plan.
Wait, father,
it’s time, son,
wait, please.
You can take me off insurance,
streaming, whatever.
But, but,
but not the phone plan. Why not the phone plan?
Phone carriers scare me, dad.
With hidden fees and. And all that yada yada.
Well, with Metro Flex,
that’s nada yada yada, nada yada yada. Yep.
No contracts, no hidden fees,
and no credit checks. Oh,
and you get a free 5G phone when you join.
And when it’s time for a new phone,
you get the same great deals as new customers.
That’s great! That means I can sell my old phone and pay for insurance.
You think insurance is that cheap?
Oh man, adulthood is gonna hit you like a brick.