The Cycle of Love and Disappointment: A Comparison of Buying a New Car and Getting a Wife

I’m just thinking
buying a new car is like getting a wife.
Why you say that, man?
At the start it smells nice,
it goes well.
But then, you know,
after like about a year or two.
Yeah, that’s when the nice smell goes.
Dents and scratches, the alignment is off,
the exhaust is faulty and you can’t trade in that damn thing.
But then you see a new one.
Yeah. And you fall in love all over again.
You salivate. You tell the wife,
you ask her nicely, can I take that thing for a test drive short?
Can I hire it for a week, one week?
Can I just sit in it for one day,
enjoy the smell? She said, no,
life is not fair. Life’s not fair.