Exploring the Shades of Gold: A Close Look at the Potential Colors for the New iPhone 16 Pro

I would describe this as gold gold
like this would be the gold gold gold
gold color you guys can see
I’mma move out the way because somebody complained about that last time
but this is what it’s supposed to look like
yeah this is a deep gold
and this is the more like tame down gold
more of orange gold I’mma move out the way again
looks okay I think
I think this is probably gonna be my favorite one
the next gold this is more of a
like a sick looking gold like
if you’re sick you would buy this
that’s probably what is the one I was personally looking forward to
like pink gold
like rose gold basically
I personally would want this
it’s been a long time since you had rose gold
it’s been like since the iPhone 6
these are like the options or what has been tested for the new iPhone 16 Pro
we could get any of these
I personally prefer this it’s like the best balance of like
gold and not as gold but yeah
colour has been described as more dark and stable
and heavier than the gold on the 14 pro
shout out to this guy on Twitter
that’s where I got my sources from