Revolutionizing Car Customization: Demanding More Options and Embracing Unconventional Colors in 2024

How is it 2024 and I can’t just go out and buy a pink car?
I know you guys are able to make those pink color.
I don’t understand how. Like red and royal blue is the standard.
Lime green is also the standard.
So ugly. Like the ugliest colors have made it mainstream.
Switch it the fuck up. As I have $200,000 for a vintage pink Bronco,
I can’t just buy a paint color I want.
Where is the customization?
Like where are the options here?
Where are the girly cars?
Where are the pastels that we would actually want to drive?
And don’t give me the oh they it wouldn’t sell again,
it wouldn’t resell. No,
you don’t want resell is a car
royal blue that someone has covered in stickers that won’t resell me.
If I have a pink paint color in five years,
someone else want that.
Companies can’t even pretend that there’s no demand for that.
Every time I see a video of a pink car on TikTok,
everyone’s going crazy saying they want that color.
Why can nobody give it to us?
I feel like companies are getting better at like the neutrals.
Like the armyish green, forest green, Browns.
Y’all have a lot of room to grow.
Why is it not possible for me to just pay an extra
like $2,000 and get the paint color I want?
Honda CRVs? You guys should be doing that. Need variety.