Love and Melodies: A Collection of Must-Read Romance Books

These are the romance books that I think are actually worth it,
and I’ll tell everyone in my life to read
the 7 Years Slip by Ashley Poston.
I think this is one of my favourite romance books I’ve ever read.
I think it’s perfection. It has a really unique and interesting concept
where our main character inherits an apartment
that can slip seven years back in time,
and when she slips back in time,
she meets the perfect man.
However, obviously this is seven years before her time.
And the book handles this, like,
time slip concept so well,
where it keeps you guessing all the way till the end,
where you don’t know what it means that she’s met him in the past
and how does that affect herself in the present.
Honestly, this one had me in tears by the end.
Like, I was listening to this one on the train and I just had, like,
tears just slowly streaming down my face,
but it was so worth it. The Brown Sisters series by Talia Hibbert.
The series is simply perfection and so much fun.
Each book is about a different sister.
They’re all like trust fund babies.
That each of them have really interesting character arcs,
and their love interests are also wholesome.
You’re invested in every single one.
What’s also really great about the series is
even though they’re romances
and obviously feature a romantic relationship,
there’s also a really beautiful portrayal of our main
Character’s growth within their relationship with themselves.
So our first main character,
Chloe Brown, she has a chronic illness,
and she learns over the course of the book
that she can kind of lean on all of these people around her.
She doesn’t have to keep to herself.
So I definitely recommend.
You need to binge read all of these.
Not another love song by Julie Soto.
I read this super recently,
and it’s still in my head.
It’s about two musicians who are essentially rivals.
Um, he falls first and he falls much harder.
This book has incredible performance scenes
where I felt that I could see and hear the music on the page,
and you don’t know how special that is.
The author builds tension and chemistry
and these really big crescendo moments by describing the music,
describing the characters feelings,
and they all weave together into the most perfect song.
I had so much fun with this book.
It was unlike any other romance I’ve ever read. It was perfection.