Understanding the True Cost of Fashion: A Closer Look at Designer vs. Fast Fashion

I don’t expect Gucci to be at fast fashion prices,
but six to seven hundred dollars is still unattainable for the masses.
Hence, I will stick to the non designer items.
It’s relational context. Zara,
H M. Aritzia,
all these fast fashion brands,
they don’t carry the wool quality that you get at Gucci.
I looked the cost of those polyester jackets from Zara.
They’re roughly about 79 to 99 dollars.
It might surprise you to know that some of the fabric that Gucci uses
would cost as much as that fully lined polyester jacket from Zara,
counting the lining, the buttons,
and the sewing that goes in making the garment.
And then when you factor in that
there are salaries of people who work at Gucci,
and then the overhead and the marketing,
which is the most expensive part of any brand,
and especially at that level.
I can understand why it’s over $3,000.
Because these items are not produced in masses.
They are produced less than what you think.
Let’s just say, hypothetically,
that it is over $3,000 and Gucci is making $2,000 from it.
Right, but you don’t realize that they only make about 200 to 500 units.
So if you do the math,
they make about 400,000 to a million dollars on that one style.
In comparison to how many styles that gets turned out a day
with fast fashion. In the thousands, 10,000,
100,000 units. And let’s just say that they’re making half the price
Of whatever they’re charging,
that is still $40 to $50. With hundreds of styles,
with the tens and hundreds of units that they produce per style
per week,
that’s 52 weeks compared to four seasons that these designer brands do.
You can see why they charge so much,
because it takes like three to six months to create a collection,
and then they have to do it four times a year.
And the amount of money they make,
it might be a lot to you and me,
but it’s not a lot to them
because they produce small batches.
Which is why Zara could be billionaires 10 times over.
To a brand like Gucci, who is a lot less profitable than you think.
This is why I’m educating you about fashion.
And then there’s 11 tiers of fashion,
and you have to understand which tier that the brand is fallen under
to understand what, why brands are charging as much as they are.
And then for my platform is I am educating you so you can buy less,
but buy high quality. Spend a little more money,
spend the six or seven hundred dollars,
buy less so you can afford the designer fashion.
Because a lot of you come into my comment section saying,
I’m cooking for Cocoa Puffs.
For saying what I know to be true.
Cause I work in the fashion industry for over 30 years
with all these different tears.
So I know how to run in A real business sense kind of way
and not some hypolutan made up fairy tale kind of way.
Given all that.
So go back to the six or seven hundred dollar Gucci jacket.
If you had bought less of those chunky fast fashion blazers.
If you buy like five or six of them
and then you discard them after one season,
that is money that you can spend on that one Gucci jacket
that will last you longer.
Because you don’t have to keep replenishing your junkie jackets.
That’s why I said it’s like shopping at fast fashion.
Cause it’s your mindset of having abundance of junk
versus having abundance of good quality stuff.
And I’m not encouraging you to buy Gucci.
I’m saying buy the better quality fashion if you have another.
Gives you the same quality that you need.
That isn’t fast fashion. These polyester suits.
Cause read the care labels.
It’s polyester, self polyester lining.
It’s all like synthetic nonsense.
It’s just junk. I’m here to teach you to buy better.
Buy less, buy high quality,
wear it longer, love it,
love what you buy. This is what I teach about sustainability.
It’s practices that the fashion industry can do.
It’s also practices that you can do as a consumer.
Everyone’s talking about greenwashing in fashion brand,
but I’m also teaching you about greenwashing as a consumer.