Exploring Autumn: A STEAM Unit for Ages 3-9 with Six Weeks of Activities, Art, Recipes, and History

here’s a look inside the Autumn Steam unit for ages 3 to 9
it goes over six different autumn themed weeks
each has steam activities
art activities recipes and history
so we start with the Autumnal Equinox week
we are going to be starting this at the end of September
then it’ll be six weeks until Halloween
so it goes into Apple Week
which is one of my favorite
some of my favorite recipes
autumn weather week next we’re gonna go into Autumn Leaf Week
and after that Pumpkin Week
and after that Halloween weeks
so if you don’t celebrate Halloween
it’s really easy to just leave that one out cause it’s the end
but we do like to finish up with this Halloween unit
and then we use Thanksgiving one after this
let me know if you have any questions bye