The Tragic Consequences of Leaving a Baby Asleep in a Car Seat: The Story of Mia and the Importance of Following Safety Guidelines

it can be so tempting to leave a baby asleep in a car seat
but doing so was catastrophic for one family
and I’m gonna explain why
this is Lisa Smith she was having a normal day at work
when she got a call from her babysitter to say her daughter Mia
hadn’t woken up from her nap
the babysitter Valerie Wackerley
tried to call an ambulance and have the daughter Mia resuscitated
but sadly she couldn’t be revived
the babysitter was then charged with manslaughter
as the circumstances were revealed
she had violated car seat manufacturer instructions
by putting Mia to sleep in one
and then leaving her unsupervised
see children under 2 have weaker neck muscles
and when put in car seats
it can actually cause them to slump forward
and cut off part of their airway
which was determined to be the cause of death in Mia’s case
called positional asphyxia
this is why babies under three months
shouldn’t be left in car seats for longer than 30 minutes
and under two years shouldn’t be longer than two hours
we also shouldn’t leave babies in car seats on the floor
as this changes the angle
and makes it more risky
did you know about it?