Exploring the World of Lorkarna: A Beginner’s Guide to Questing and Card Mechanics

Welcome to Lorkarna 101, an introductory guide to a wonderful world of lorkarna and getting you ready to play the game. Now we’ve covered building your deck and how to start the game with your first US to initial card draw. Now let’s talk about how you actually play. The main aim of the game is to quest up to 20 law. Here’s a handy law counter that I have. So effectively, you’re going to be questing with your characters where you have out on the board until you reach the great big number of 20. Whoever gets to 21st wins. We’ll go back in how you actually gain law later, because in some cases you gain law by just playing cards or doing certain mechanics on the board to gain law. But I’ll show you the main way of doing it in a moment.

The first thing’s first, we need to know how to actually play the cards we have in our hand. Straight from the last video, here is my opening hand for my , manipulation deck after mulligans. It’s not the best hand of a world, but order. So whenever it is your turn, you can do any combination of the following things I’m gonna be putting on screen now for you can do any of these as many times as you can in any order that you want. However, when I say as many times as you can, there’s one thing you can only do once, and that is to ink cards. Inking cards is essential in order for you to be able to play the cards that you need in order to make your deck go burn. But what is ink and how do you do it? For the sake of this example, I’m gonna be using the blue fairy. Now the blue fairy can be used as ink, but how do I know this? Easy to see this number in the top left hand corner. If it has a number, a diamond, and this lovely circular design around it, then that means it can be used as ink.

How you declare as ink is that at any time during your turn, you say, I will ink this character, which in my case is I ink the blue fairy, turn it face down, and now that card no longer exists. It is just ink. And from there you spend any ink that you have available to you to play cards in your hand or to activate card effects for that out on the board.

As an example here, let’s say I have free ink out. I can spend free ink by exerting them, aka turning them sideways, in order to play cards like bell, the untrained mystic. And then when you play the counters, their effects trigger, if they have any effects for trigger upon being played. And there you go. Bear in mind that when you play a character, the character basically suffers from summoning sickness, or as we say in the game, their ink is drying because you’ve spent ink in order to play them unless they have for rush ability. I’m gonna be going over all the individual abilities later on in this series. I won’t worry you about that yet.

But once we have characters out on the board, what do we do with them? Well, let’s use bell as our example. Once bells out on the field, you could effectively do three things with her. No. 1, and the easiest one to explain is questing with a character is simple. You see this little diamond symbol over here? This is for law emblem. This helps you identify how much law this character gains by questing. So if you declare I quest with Bell, Bill will earn you one law. The other thing you can do is challenge or attack an opposing character. So in this case, my opponent has Ling and I’ve got bell. Now, bear in mind, I cannot challenge Ling because Ling is ready, aka standing up upright, and bell cannot declare an attack on account of a standing upright unless you have either a card or an effect that allows you to do so. However, if Ling is exerted, aka turns sideways, then I can attack and I could just go, I declare an attack with bell to attack Ling. They smash into each other and they both take damage and deal the attack damage at the same time. So effectively when they clash, bell has free attack and free defense, and so does Ling. So that means they trade, aka Recky Channel.

But the other thing you can do with bell is sing songs. And songs are action cards like the Stormway John. You see how it says action and song and has an example here. Songs are going to more detail later. But effectively, if you have a counter of the same cost as for song out in play, you can sing with a character instead of having to pay its ink cost. So in my case, I can declare the bell is going to sing, let the storm rage on. And now instead of having to spend free ink in order to use the effect, I effectively get the effect for free.

But bell is now exerted and won’t be able to do much else for the rest of return. And there you go. There’s some basics on what you can do on your turn, featuring characters, inking and playing the game. Next time I’m gonna be talking about abilities, what they are and what they do. So if you’re interested in that, be sure to follow for more so that you do not miss out. Also, if you have any questions so far about Lord Kana, how to play or anything in particular, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them when I can. In the meantime, I hope my tutorials are helping and you are welcome to the world of volcano. I’ll be seeing you guys next time.