Title: The Insane Candy Store Incident: A Wild Tale of Refunds, Drugs, and a Baby Mama’s Desperation

This is what I’ll be talking about, man.
This is what I’ll be talking about when I say everyday of our lives,
we have to avoid crazy, okay?
All he was doing in this candy store was their job.
Selling Sour Patch Kids, selling gummy popsicles.
And here comes this domestic terrorist,
Joshua Kim Jong un, pulling out pistols
because he wants a refund on some Lizoo eyeball gummies.
Now, I’m not the highest grade of weed in the dispensary,
but I personally
don’t believe that is a reason to pull a pistol on someone
just because you want a refund on some damn candy, okay?
I could even understand more if he was poor
and was robbing the candy store.
That is what I would call a sweet lick.
But being upset that they won’t refund whatever candy you bought
is exactly the reason my phone goes on do not disturb at nine PM
every night for the last 15 years of my life.
Because I do not
and will not talk to n words of any race after a certain time.
Now, when I hear stories like this, uh,
I have to have a reason for the crazy, right?
I don’t wanna believe that human’s brains simply just work like this.
So I liked, uh,
in the news report when we heard that police searched the truck
that belonged to Joshua Kim Jung Un.
Uh, by the way,
a truck that they said was leaving the scene,
Was seen leaving the scene of another related incident.
So what, y’all just go around doing, uh,
The drive bys on candy stores?
Y’all just go around traumatizing these employees
that work at the candy stores?
I was. If it made me feel good to know that
they found 0.41 grams of another kind of candy,
and that candy was cocaine.
Okay. They also found some weed,
so he might have been smoking woolly.
Woolly is when you put the weed in the blunt,
sprinkle some cocaine on top of it,
and enjoy one of the best highs of your life.
Okay? I’m 46 years old.
Your Uncle Charlotte has lived. Okay?
I smoked one of those dirty blunts on accident once
when I was a young lad, and damn near my whole life,
I’ve been waiting to smoke one on accident again. Now,
Joshua Kim Jung Un’s baby mama had something to say.
Let’s listen to her. All I could do was thank god.
Like, thank god that my son was not there.
Cause I don’t know what I would have done.
While sugar life staff continue to recover from the tense situation,
George says she hopes Kim will get the help he needs.
Behind bars. Not okay.
Like that. He.
So honestly, the best place for him is to be in jail.
You know, maybe he can get his mind right.
He can sober up and do something for his life.
So my son can’t Have a father.
Moral of the story is Joshua Kim is nuts out of his damn mind.
You heard his baby mama. Listen to his baby mama.
His baby mama wants him to get some help.
When your baby mama said jail is probably the best thing for you,
that means you probably need some intense psychotherapy
and some help with your substance abuse issues.
Because now you got drug charges,
two counts pointing and presenting firearm at a person
and unlawful conduct toward a child.
Some donkey of the days just sell themselves.