Unexpected Artistic Talents and a Brush with Celebrity: A Story of Sculpting, Drawing, and DMing Diane Keaton

I didn’t really know this about you,
but you are an artist as well,
in the form of, like, drawing.
I don’t know if you can call it an artist exactly,
but I, I could never. Wait.
Are we showing it? The thing,
the clip that I saw that I could never draw.
That. It’s an oddly shaped.
The shading, like, everything.
I look like I have a growth on the left side of my head.
Oh, my god,
I would love to be able to draw.
I’ve never taken a class, but I’ve always loved sculpting and drawing.
But it, it,
I can leave it, I can walk away from it,
I can pick it up again, and it’s a.
I don’t know, it’s like a bit of therapy.
I heard that also,
Diane Keaton has been liking your post,
your artwork. I just found this out,
which is kind of amazing. Your producer told me,
and I was like, wait, what?
Yeah, and I,
I literally DM her, how do I call you?
she’s like, how do I call you?
She’s like, I want to buy this.
How do I get this? And I’m like,
what? I,
I swear to god, I, I,
I was beside myself and such a genius.
How do I call you? Yeah,
I’m like, here’s my number, Diane.
Yeah, I,
I will give it to you anytime.
I’m dming right now. Like,
I’m just like, please,
please answer my DM, Diane.
Yeah, And it’s a really expensive piece of art at this point.
Yes, because Diane Keaton.
You can have it. No.