Challenging Masculinity: How Governor Walsh Simplifies the Argument Against the GOP

Now a Governor, Walsh
has simplified the argument against the GOP down to two basic parts.
One is mind your own damn business.
And. And.
And, uh.
And they seem kind of weird. What?
This has been driving Trump and Vance crazy.
Has it been fun to watch? Oh,
it’s been so fun. And why do you think it’s effective?
I think that Trump and Vance,
they think they have some kind of, like, monopoly.
Monopoly over masculinity. And, uh,
walls is kind of showing up.
He’s a football coach. He was the head of.
Of the Gay Straight Alliance.
As the football coach.
and he’s like, actually,
this stuff is weird, and why are you acting like that?
And I think it’s driving him nuts
because he’s showing another way to be an upright man in America.