Learning Spanish with Matthew and Jessica: A Beginners’ Journey

Matthew and I are learning that we don’t know any Spanish.
Surprised us. All right,
um. We know Spanish words.
We don’t speak Spanish at all.
So we’re gonna have a little Spanish lesson.
Come here, Matthew.
And if we’re bad at Spanish,
please correct us in the comments.
This is not. We are just. We’re.
This is a little lesson, practice lesson so that we can be better.
I didn’t do any research before we came on this vacation.
I was too busy. So now is the time.
How do you say orange? Orange? No,
wrong. Huh?
How do you say good morning?
Buenos dias.
Good morning. I think it’s with.
Everybody says good morning like that.
Good afternoon.
Good night. How do you say please?
How do you say thank you?
How do you say, I need the bathroom?
This is like broken Spanish.
Okay. What does that mean?
Because. Okay is because or why okay? No,
but why? Juice is huevo.
He cut and ran. We need to know how to say alcoholic drinks,
cause we don’t drink surveys.
I wish we could speak in Spanish,
but we can’t. So we do our best.
And we say Gracias a lot. They feel like,
that’s late, and we.
We tip and we hope that it makes up for what we don’t know.
And we tell. We told them.
We’re like, we don’t speak Spanish.
And they were like, that’s okay.
Everybody here pretty much speaks English.
And they’re trying very hard to communicate with us
when we don’t know what we’re trying to say.
I mean, to estimate their ability,
because they can and we can’t communicate with them.
Yeah. So I appreciate it so,
so much. This has been Spanish lessons with Jessica.
somebody else needs to teach me Spanish.
I took Spanish in college,
so I took Spanish in elementary school.
And how many years of Spanish did you take? Huh?
Naranja, Naranja,
Naranja, Naranja,
Naranja, Naranja,
We’re saying the same. Yes.