Asia Pacific Challenge Finals: Group Draw Recap and Analysis

Here we go. It’s time for the group draw. Now, as you can see, zipper is gonna be rolling around these balls to make sure these are all the inner invited teams. By the way, sorry, a bit of a face change there. Let’s come back to our original forms before we go back into that. But once we start these polls, right, it’s not going to stop. It gonna be announced in a sequence. Here’s the first team. We’re gonna.

Be looking at Group a first and invite a team. Only 6 teams are in this pool. So the first one, I personally want to see what Nip Flash ends up in, you know, Singapore region, but we’re gonna get Geek Fam Indonesia as a first being picked up from the.

Pool. Alright, that’s a strong start. Geek fam, as long, I mean, technically, well, technically we shouldn’t expect to see fanatic on it in that same group. So if they get picked up, they’ll be beheaded straight over into group.

So at least we won’t get the two Titans, right? Get, you know, belowsky and Kyrie say grow. That’s way too much. So the first team, again, just to recap, drawn will be kickfam Indonesia slot straight into Group A. What this means that if you’re in Group a, better be ready to face off some assassin roaming tech. Thank you, Pelosi. Sky Pierster has just been released. Betty loves that.

I bet he’s laughing about, he’s.

Like, I get hellkert and sky piercer. This is.

Great. And I could still run execute if I wanted to.

Kind of mad.

Genius. Oh, it really is. But here comes our second invited team going over to groupie. It’s going to be c you soon at that. I don’t know about you, but see you soon as one of those themes that most people just don’t like dealing with. They’re really aggressive and they come from a hyper aggressive region as well.

You know, when you want to farm and then you have people running into the entire game, it doesn’t feel fun, not for you, but for see you soon. This is the kind of the environment that they drive it, right? The more you want to resist fighting them, the happier they are. So see you soon. Is gonna lead Group B. We’re going back to a Group a this time and see what the next team is gonna be. Now, if it is fanatic on it, then they go into Group B. But if it’s not, then they will be joining Geek Fam Indonesia see team and No. 3.

Right? So we’re gonna take the first look before revealing it. It’s the old boys from Malaysia going into Group a.

I love this recap of M5 Group Stage. We’ve seen homeboys and Geek Fam Indonesia duke it up before. Obviously, the lineup is a bit different, but there is history between these two teams. Of course, Udo is gonna be back at home, a soil that is gonna be spicy as well. Looking forward to this.

One. Yeah, that’s gonna be an exciting group. See all already. But here comes our next invited team to join up with CU Sued. And this could be a number of options, right? It’s fanatic on like F cap and IP flash. So many different. Again, like if I had to compare them as rock, paper, Scissors, it’s really tough because there’s some good matchups in some plenty of terrible ones.

And it’s gonna be fanatic on it has the second team in Group B in the bottom team has all been drawn out. So we only have the top column left and adding on the second team into Group B, they will be able to see you soon. It’s gonna be very interesting because today I will just today the separate occasion, some of the players of fanatic on it actually play against almost 80% of wires is roster and they just got beaten. So we’ll see if this new text so far not looking to go fanatic on it, but I believe things would change in a month. Hey.

Man, anything can happen in the short period of time with how the constant environment, atmosphere of mlbb is changing these patches. Here comes our next team joining up with Group A. Of course, we have to follow protocol. Zipper, please haven’t looked at it first before showing it to us just to make sure that everything is set and it looks like it’s gonna be nip Flash.

Group a is looking so interesting, right? We have nip Flash back to back NPR Singapore champions adding Diablo to the roster. No longer crowned as Hades Gaming, now they’re a proper team, but with nip behind their back, joining homeboys and Geek Feb Indonesia. This is a spicy group. I.

Mean, we say spicy, but it’s only gonna start getting really unfair once we get the qualified teams in the mix, right? So we still have a couple of options left. With that being said, eh, a Falcon’s AP brand will be going over into groupie to finish off the invited teams. Now, the top four who have qualified from the challenge season. Let’s see where these boys are going to be laid out. We already have the box ready for you guys. Don’t worry. Zippers got you covered.

So we have RG, Philippines, Udo, Red Giants, Megatron, Beta, and Smart Omega 4, very distinctly different teams, right? They all have very different identities and play style. So it’s gonna go into Group A. Let’s see who the first team’s gonna be. Group is already super spicy.

I’m hoping for Smart Omega. I think that’s really gonna shake up Group a.

That would be interesting. Actually, even better would do a good. But we get RHD Philippines. So I guess we’re gonna see Aqua Light, Demon, Kai, the gang greatest, the chess players in Group A.

This is gonna be fun. This is gonna be fun. I mean, I’m looking at Group a and all I’m thinking about is like, God, all the gold layers are gonna have such a interesting time.

I mean, that’s it’s gonna have a fun time as well. Facing off against, you know, teammates, well, players from his former region. This one is gonna go to Group B. So we have YRG, Megatron, Beta, Smart, Omega left.

Who’s the next team that’s gonna be joining up against Group B is going to be from the open finals, big Trump beta, or for the challenge season. Why RG or even smart Omega? And it looks like why RG is gonna be joining Group B this time round. Wow, that is a pretty stack group. I told you, man, I told.

You, I just talked about the YRG, most of YRG roster beating finite adding on roster today and well, they’re gonna get a second chance in that Group B. But this is one of the most talked about teams for the past month or two, yurt Jayers, winning what was the flawless season in a local region. And right now and facing off against cup world champions and facing all against the team with the most trophy. And see you.

Soon, dude. I feel so bad for any one of these teams where who’s gonna be finally picked to go into Group B. I’ll be honest. Cuz Group B is now about to turn into the group of death once we include the LCQ teams, right? Let’s finish this off from the challenge season teams, the next one that’s gonna be joining Group a is going to be Megatron beta. That’s the.

Shakeup. Cool. That’s the shakeup, right? We were looking for Smart Omega, but we got Megatron beta. That means Smarter Mega goes to Group.

B. Yeah, yeah, we get exactly what we want here. And I think that big Trump made up might be like wipe in the sweater. Like, God, we got group a, thank God.

So you better deal with. To be fair, I agree.

Right? I.

Was trying to come up with something. But now that I look at it, I just. Brief aside of relief from a Smart Omega. This is the true test.

Smart Omega really gotta show us what they’ve got here in groupie. But here comes the last two, dude, at this point, we’re already so deep in it, just put tlph in Group B. Like.

No, we need the shake of Tlph Group a and then we put embedded in Group B.

I look the too many powerhouses in one place. We got to put, we got to stock all our nuclear missiles in one place.

It’s gonna be a lot of fans be heartbroken, right? Cuz there’s only so many peeves that would go through.

Grappy problem. I’m so stressed out. Please, tlph in group a safe. Oh, saved. Oh, at least.

Is sort of safe in a way.


This could, this is probably the better outcome.

I think so. Yeah, I really think so. Because now we’re having some of the top tier teams, people reasonably distributed a box. Wait, Queen goopy straight away. Oh, you’re right. Because wanna make a God put into the next thing. Gotcha. Thank you, zipper. Playing along with the jokes here. But , I bet some of you, I swear some of the clippers are freaking out. They’re like, oh, yes, I really got the Clava. Gotcha this time. Those are for the Clippers. But besides that, Group a with tlph will be going into Group a and rebellion esports from Indonesia going into Group B. And this is.

The CRE. The greatest thing is that you have TLP, you know, current nplp champions, formal world champions, kind of being the at the top of the food chain just in terms of power rankings. And then you have Group B where everyone else is champions in their own region.

All right, thank you, zipper. Once again, wave off to him as we come back. Man, what do you think about to really shake it up. But here is the final group listing for the channels challenge finals of Asia Pacific. In Group a, we have Gig Fam, Home Boys from Malaysia, nip Flash from Singapore, RSG Philippines, as well as Bigatron Beta from Indonesia, TL, like TL pH or Team Liquid pH.

Crawl Groupie, see you soon from Cambodia. Fanatic Army from Indonesia, Falcons AP Brand from Philippines, Uteray Giants from Malaysia, Spider Mega from Philippines, and Rebellion Esports from Indonesia. I’m gonna say bigger. China Beta also made history, right? The first team that went from open finals all the way to challenge finals. A feeder has not.