The Influence of the Animus and Anima: Unpacking Jung’s Theory on Mother-Son Relationships

There’s a concept from the great psychologist Jung
called the animus and Anima.
And he’s basically says,
the man from his mother internalizes an image of women.
That it’ll haunt him for his entire life.
Because the relationship between a mother and son is very intense.
It’s not the same as between a mother and a daughter,
cause she’s the opposite gender.
You’re cycling on her breast.
She’s the only person you know for the first couple of years.
It’s very powerful power.
And unconsciously her image slips inside of you.
Internalize a part of it. Even if you don’t like your mother
and you come to a lot like her later on,
that image is still inside of you.
And you’re still going to choose women
that have some of those qualities that you would like,
you wish your mother had or that she did have.
So those early relationships,
the woman with her father will tell you so much about her
and about her weaknesses and her vulnerabilities, really,
and what she’s missing. Yeah.