Radio Station Rejection: A Musician’s Determination

We went to this one radio station,
we walk in, you know,
I got my guitar on my back.
We about to go in there and we about to play him some music.
And of course, you know,
he made us wait in the four year for about 45 minutes
to show us who’s boss. Oh, yeah.
You know, then we go up to his room and uh.
And he said, you should have just left your guitar in the car.
I don’t want you to play for me.
And I’m like,
I’m gonna fight this man at some point.
We’re gonna fight. We’re gonna wide up.
He said, I wanna hear what it sounds like through my computer speakers.
And I said, okay,
fair enough. That’s what’s gonna be played on the radio.
That’s fine. So he cranks it up.
This is my first single, it was called dirty looks.
And he plays it through his like 1995 computer speaker.
So it literally sounds like this.
Like you can’t understand a dang word.
He listens to it twice and then he leans up out of his,
you know, big old relaxing looking chair.
He said, Laney,
you just not good.
I know. I knew you would be shocked.
And um. And he said,
I hope you don’t get real upset when you leave here and.
And start crying and stuff.
That’s what he told me. And then I leaned across his desk and I said,
so and so. Out of the 10 years I’ve been in Nashville,
you telling me that ain’t shit, period?
Yeah. If anything,
it just makes me want it that much worse.