Breaking Free: The Story of the Tennessee Walking Horse

Do you know what a Tennessee Walking horse is?
No. What’s a Tennessee Walking horse?
They start these horses off when they’re colts
and they put these really heavy weights on their front two feet
and they make those horses walk with those for years and years
and years and years. Even when they’re adults,
they take the weights off the feet of the horse
and the Tennessee Walking Horse walks like this.
And their front feet are just going up and down.
And it’s the, one of the most impressive things you’ve ever seen.
And it’s because they finally took the shackles off that horse
and that horse is like, look at me now.
I think it’s possibly somewhat cruel, honestly,
to do that to those horses,
but the same thing would be how I felt.
I could still walk. I could still run.
You’re just weighed down with it.
Second you break away from that
and that the chains and the shackles are broken,
now you’re free. You almost don’t know what to do with it
because you’re not used to being able to do what you wanna do
and say what you wanna say without somebody trying to restrain you.