Navigating Food Dissatisfaction at Restaurants: A Tale of People-Pleasing and Self-Reflection

Decided that you don’t like the food
at a restaurant that you have ordered
and you have to tell the waitress that you want something else
and give that food back. I’ve done it.
I’ll do it. See,
I was gonna say. That one doesn’t bother you.
That one scares me. Okay.
Why? People pleaser.
But they don’t give a fuck about you eating your food.
But I think they do. Everybody gives a fuck about eating food.
And you gotta think about it like you’re spending the money.
Do you wanna spend your money on that thing you don’t wanna eat?
You don’t even fucking care.
Like I’m. I’m a.
I’m a martyr.
Self murder. Yeah.
What does that mean? A murder?
I’ll sacrifice myself for other people’s well being.
And I just automatically assume that the decisions that I make,
it’s part of the people pleasing tendencies.
The decisions that I make are putting people out.
Oh my god. Right?
That’s crazy, right?
That’s insane.
It must be stopped. Haha,
funny, that’s what my therapist said.
Oh hey,
what do you know? What do you know?
What do you know? What’s another question?
Let’s. Cause this is good.
Can talk. Can talk.
Can talk. Nathan.
Practice it, practice it, practice it.