A Family Dinner Adventure: Trying Chinese Takeout and Drafting for the Future

Hello. So tonight for dinner,
Mark picked up some Chinese food on his way home from work.
We have some General Sal’s chicken.
This is not as sweet as I thought it was gonna be.
And then it almost tastes like it has, like,
beer or something. What,
you want something off my plate?
You have everything that I have.
You want to try something on my plate?
So you say this is Bourbon chicken or teriyaki?
Mark? Bourbon. Bourbon chicken.
What was this? Chow chow typhoon.
What was this? Did I say that wrong?
You okay? Just beef chow. Fun.
So it’s noodles and beef, and it looks like eggs.
That’s good.
Belly bells. And then I made the broccoli
as well as some bok choy.
Belly bells.
We had a bunch of vegetables I need to use up,
so that was perfect for this.
Anyway, that’s dinner.
Also have some. Some bacon here.
Mark sitting here, but he’s doing a draft.
Are you doing it yet or not yet?
Oh. Are you able to be filmed for a second?
Here’s Mark. Hold up, Mommy.
What? You’re gonna record it?
Recording daddy.
He’s gonna win, right?
Win us some money. Is that how it works?
It’s for the girls.
For the girls college fund. Uh huh.