Keto Pancake Mishap: A Come Cook With Me Adventure

Come cook with me. The keto Pancake edition.
Now, I got this off the TikTok shop,
so let’s try out.
I’ll put the link here for you if you want to try it out yourself.
The pack makes 15 pancakes,
and then it gives you an instruction for five,
which is one egg. So I can’t do any less than that
because I can’t have half an egg,
can I? So I’m gonna make five.
I really have a few. I’m sure.
Let me get a bowl.
Okay, so it says,
pour the pancake mix into a bowl.
Uh, and I want 80 grams of it.
Gotta be precise. 75,
76, 77,
78, 79.
I see.
Perfect. Like it?
Okay, then
whisk wet ingredients in a separate bowl.
Oh, god.
Hold on a minute.
Okay, so we’ve got.
This is what a baby bottle’s for, right?
I’m joking. We’ve lost the lid to this one,
so we now use it as a measuring cup.
Uh, 100 mil of milk,
Water, that
one egg.
I’m pretty sure a lot of shell is in there.
Okay, is that all? Show?
Any more show? What a cracking start.
Okay, and what else?
Uh, a half a teaspoon of vanilla.
That’s optional, but I like vanilla,
so I’m gonna put it in. Half a teaspoon.
There were thereabouts. Right?
So whisk that up using, um.
If I can find this link on TikTok shop for this whisk,
I’ll link this too. Cause I tell you what,
I’ve had this link for this link.
I’ve had this recipe for years and years and I absolutely swear by it.
It’s the most wonderful product.
then we wanna slowly add the wet mix to the dry mix
while stirring thoroughly.
Okay? Yes,
got it. Where’s my fork?
I’ll do slowly. Slowly,
slowly, slowly,
slowly. And stirring thoroughly.
How slowly? I mean,
I never quite specific enough for these things in my neuro spicy brain.
What? Okay,
so then I just use more milk cause the mixture is too thick.
well, I think it’s okay.
That’s with me.
Ah. Put the pan lightly on a non stick pan.
Okay, hold on.
Okay. I don’t know if maybe I should have put a little bit more milk in,
but we’re gonna try it anyway, so.
Yeah, I think I should.
I think I’m gonna try it now.
Is it too late? It’s not too late.
I’m just gonna put another little splash in
cause I think that will be better.
Just a little bit more liquidy.
That’s quite thick that.
Okay, so
hopefully I can do this without making too much of a mess.
She says that’s overflowed. Brilliant.
Okay. Oh, that’s a perfect amount
for my little pancake pan.
I’ve gone a bit over, but it’s okay now to cook.
So in my head I was having these with um,
bananas and peanut butter.
However, um,
it seems that the kids are eating all Bananas.
So looks like I’m just having them with peanut butter.
It’s absolutely excellent.
Lost me bleeding spatula. How have I lost my spatula?
I haven’t been anywhere. Hold on a minute.
It’s okay. It was in the.
In the sink. Right.
let’s see if we can flip these.
Are they ready for flipping?
Oh God, they’re a bit burnt.
Ah, okay.
Hold on.
I need to flip them
okay. Okay.
I have burnt them. Obviously that’s not supposed to happen.
And uh, you shouldn’t do that when you’re making these at home.
Oh my God. Come on,
come on, play the game.
Ha ha ha.
Okay. Probably not even the best utensil for the job,
to be honest. Which isn’t helping.
I need to hurry up cause they’re just gonna get more burnt otherwise,
aren’t they? Yeah,
that one’s too big. That’s just too much gone on there.
So that’s a train crash.
It’s alright. Laura love that one.
She don’t know what they’re supposed to look like.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Let’s cook a little bit less on this side,
so we’re gonna be fine. Reality check.
The important thing here is what they taste like,
not they what they look like.
Okay, I don’t know if I’m saying that for my benefit or yours,
but that’s what I’m saying.
Okay, I’m gonna have four.
I’m gonna give Laura a 3.
I think that’s a good idea.
They’re all done. I’ll leave them there
cause She’s asleep.
I mean, they look good.
I mean, don’t look at the other side,
cause that’s not quite so pretty,
but let’s taste them.
So I’ve just tasted a tiny bit.
I instantly was like, it’s got coconut in it.
And I just looked at the ingredients
and it certainly does have coconut in it.
Coconut flour, which is a problem cause I’m allergic to coconut,
so I’m not gonna eat these.
It tasted nice. Just tasted of coconut.
Uh, but I’m gonna give them to Chris and Lyra instead.
Um, and still,
like I say, it’s definitely tasty.
I would recommend, if you’re not allergic to coconut,
then grab yourself a pack of this.
Um, I mean,
that’s annoying, partly because I was looking forward to those
and partly because now what on earth am I gonna have for lunch?
Back to the drawing board we go.
There’s another epic come cook with me fail from Abby.
You’re absolutely welcome. Have a good day.