A Dying Grandfather’s Unconventional Last Wish: The Quest for Social Media Stardom

In the last 10 minutes of my grandpa’s life,
he looked at my older sister,
and he said,
I know your tender heart can feel like a burden,
but it’s actually a gift. And then he turned to my mom,
and he said, I wish you elegance in a troubled world.
And then I knew he was coming to me,
and he looked at me and he said,
I want you to promise me something, Zach.
And I said, yeah, grandpa, anything.
And he got real close, and he said,
by September 1st, I want you to have 390 k followers on Insta.
And I said, wait, what?
And he said, and 4 hundred k on talk.
And I. I mean,
I kind of. I don’t know.
I kind of laughed because I thought he.
I thought he was joking.
I didn’t even know he knew what social media was.
And he. He just grabbed me with that, uh,
dying grandpa strength, and he went,
you want to Jack around? Fine.
But I will send you black magic from hell
for the rest of your natural born life.
And I said, no,
no, grandpa,
I just didn’t. I didn’t. I.
I don’t understand it. He goes,
three, 90 on Insta.
And I said, you. No, no,
I know. And 400,
he goes on talk. And I said, TikTok.
He goes, you know what I mean?
And I said, Grandpa,
I don’t. And he goes,
and that’s not all one of them Has to be Addison Rae.
And he.
And then he. He.
He died.
And then he. He sprung back.
I thought he was gone. He comes back,
and he goes. He goes,
Addison Rae. And I go, I.
I heard you, grandpa.
He goes, it has to be.
And I said, why Addison Rae?
And he goes, she’s got something.
She’s America.
And then, you know,
and then he died again. And I.
At this point, it was his dying wish, uh,
twice, I guess,
because he’d gone and then come back,
and then. And then he came back.
And at this point,
I was starting to wonder if he was actually even really dying.
And he goes,
I didn’t storm the beaches at Okinawa for you to be a loser.
And I said, Grandpa,
you didn’t, respectfully.
You didn’t storm the beaches at Okinawa.
You were a tank engineer at.
In Cairo. You never saw combat. And he went,
and that time, he was really dead.
And so I guess. I don’t know if anyone knows Addison Rae. Then. Then help.