The Importance of Endings in Pitching Shows to Streaming Services: A Lesson from Skylanders Academy

the thing is with streaming um
cause I’ve pitched to to networks
I mean to um
streaming services they wanna know where it’s gonna go
they wanna have an ending
and the reason for that is this
when you go into pitch for a streaming service Netflix
Amazon Hulu
it doesn’t matter
they wanna hear your first three seasons
from the beginning to the end of the first three seasons
and they wanna know how season 1 ends
and the reason for this is because through their research
they discovered that if someone’s gonna um
watch a show that they haven’t watched before
they will not commit to more than three seasons if they have to catch up
so if you like um
if you you’re like
you know SpongeBob’s been offered 20
they just had their 25th anniversary
I think that would never make it in streaming today
if you came to them and said
oh yeah
um we’re gonna go uh
25 years now you gotta give us
we’ll give you three years
case of point is I did a show called Skylanders Academy uh
for Netflix that was doing well
and we got to the end of the third season with unanswered questions
and they just pulled the plug