Meet Hunter Dustin Houser: Fun Facts, Fashion Dreams, and Life Adventures

I have a lot of new faces on here,
so I figured I would do a little video kind of introducing myself
and maybe some fun facts that you probably don’t know about me.
My full name is Hunter Dustin Houser.
My middle name is Dustin. Um,
a lot of people think that’s my Maiden name,
but my Maiden name is actually Wolf.
So my original name is Hunter Dustin Wolf,
and my married name is Houser.
I am 29 and I live in Indianapolis,
Indiana. So I’m a Midwest girly.
My biggest dream when I was younger was to be a fashion model.
Specifically like a high fashion model and, like,
Teen Vogue or something like that.
Growing up, I really did always want to work in fashion,
and I actually started multiple fashion blogs
when I was in middle school.
I would start fake fashion blogs
and I would post on them all the time on Blogspot
when that used to be a thing,
and they were super secret.
Then I ended up deleting them all,
so I wish I still had those that I could look back on,
but I would make my sister take pictures of me and, like,
all of my dresses from Forever 21.
And that was just, like,
before I had any idea what blogging was
and that it would kind of turn into a career of mine.
I went to Ball State University,
which is a smaller school in Muncie,
Indiana, and I had the best time there.
I graduated from the school of journalism with a focus on PR.
And it was actually where David Letterman went to school.
So we have a whole journalism department that’s dedicated to him.
Funny enough, my husband and I actually both went to college together,
but we didn’t meet until after we graduated.
So it was kind of funny. We had a lot of mutual friends,
but we just never really crossed paths.
I have a son and he’s very hairy.
Um, his name is Moose and he is a four year old,
half German Shepherd, half Alaskan Malamute.
He is the best. I love him so much.
I’m a huge reader. I love romance,
fantasy, thrillers, mysteries.
I’m a huge reader. If I could start a book talk,
I would, but I feel like that’s a lot of work.
My light just died, but, um,
that’s fine. Last year
we took a road trip with moose out to the East Coast
during the fall time. So we just did like a whole fall road trip
and we went to Vermont, we went to parts of New York, um,
that we drove through, we went to Boston.
Boston’s one of my favourite places.
Um, and just had the best time.
And honestly, I could see myself living on the East Coast.
Which, if you’ve ever done one of your, like,
astral charts or like a needle chart,
I can’t remember which one it’s called,
but Um,
my sister did mine, and I was looking at it,
and all of the places that it said I would thrive and flourish in
was on the East Coast. So I’m like,
maybe. Maybe I should move there.
My husband and I own two rental properties,
and they’re both duplexes,
and we’ve completely redone both of them,
and it’s been so fun to do.
Um, it’s very stressful,
but it’s also very rewarding.
And one of my really big passions is home decor,
home interiors, home improvement,
things like that, and I just, like,
love working on that. Um,
and I feel like I don’t share a ton of that on my page,
but maybe that’s something I will.
So let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in seeing.
Like, the home projects never truly end,
so there’s always gonna be something.
Favorite TV shows of all time is Outlander.
And if you’ve watched Outlander,
you know how freaking good it is.
If you haven’t watched it,
I highly recommend it. And now I’m watching it for the third time
because I’m making my husband watch it with me,
so I’m so excited. We’re currently on season 1,
episode 4, so we’re restarting it all.
It’s seriously one of the best shows made of all time.
I’m also a huge Swiftie and 1975 fans,
so after everything kind of came out after this past, uh,
album, I was shook.
And seeing all the parallels,
I’m literally like, Mind blown.
I still am getting mind blown whenever I see someone post, like,
a TikTok, like,
comparing lyrics and stuff like that.
But, um, yeah,
I went to my first Taylor Swift concert was during the 1989 tour,
and I haven’t been to the ERAS tour.
I would love to go. She’s coming in November,
and I just. I don’t think I’m gonna go.
But I did go see the movie.
It was really good. My favorite season is fall.
It’s just when I come alive,
and I’m the most creative.
I love the fashion. I love every single thing that comes with fall.
Everything. It’s so cozy.
All the candles, everything.
It’s just the best season,
hands down, and you can’t tell me otherwise. Actually,
I am so grateful for every single one of you.
I’m just very grateful that I get to do this as my job,
and I could not do it without you.
So thank you so much. I hope that I can help you,
whether it’s with makeup, beauty, hair,
fashion, life inspiration,
or anything at all. Let me know if there’s anything
specifically that you wanna see more of.
And I love getting feedback,
because that helps me help you.