Exploring Fan Discs in Atomic Games: A Deep Dive into Extended Content and Romance Expansion

I’ve had a few questions recently about what a fan disc is in relation to an atomic game. So I thought I would give a quick overview of what I mean when I talk about a game having a fan disc. I’m going to use Code realize as my example because Code realize has two fan disks that are currently out. So let’s start with the basics. We have the base game of code realize. This is the first game that came out. This is where the main story happens. This is where the romance between the characters is built.

This is what the fan disc is going to be expanding on. If you play any other type of game, you might be used to the phrases expansion or DLC. A fan disc is quite a bit like an expansion or DLC for the Atomic game. It’s going to add content. It’s going to add things to the story. However, each fan disk is different. Each one has a different vibe to it. And sometimes it’s just done in a very different way.

So going back to our examples, we have this fan disk for Code Realize. And this one is called Code Realize Winter Tide Miracles. As you can guess by the cover and the name, this was a fan disc that had a winter theme to it. So to give an example of what kind of content you might find in a fan disk, this one had two really fun things that you could do. So one of the fun things you could do in that game is you could go on what was called a triangle date, and it was basically where you got to go out on a date with two of the male characters. So it would be a triangle because there was you as the main character and then two of the love interests. And it was a little short story based on how that would go. Another example of a story that was in that fan desk is they had like an alternate story, an AU or an alternate universe where there was a love story and you were falling in love with the characters, but it took place in a different way than it did in the main game. And as you can guess, it was Yule Tide or winter themed. So basically just a whole other love story for the main character. And then one of the interest. There was other content in this too, other stories, other characters. There’s always just a really wide variety of things that you can do. And then Code Realize has another fan desk called Code Realize future blessings. And I’m sure you can get the vibe of the story based on the artwork on the cover. Now this one was quite different than the other fan disc I just showed you. This one had after stories that took place after the main story in the main code realize game. So this one had stuff that was like, how do the romance actually go after it ended in the main story? And then as always, there was other stories, other content in the game as well.

Now, every fan disk tends to be a little bit different. The Pio Fiore 1 was very different. The color Malice 1 was very different. However, usually it’s going to again be a continuation of the main story. It’s gonna show you a little bit more of what that romance is like when the two characters are actually together. Since a lot of atomic games, they end with the romance starting, they end with the two characters finally getting together. The fan disk then shows more of what it’s like to actually be together. But that doesn’t mean it’s just going to be that again.

Typically, there’s gonna be tons of different scenarios that can happen in a fan desk. Sometimes they offer routes with characters that were side characters that you didn’t get to romance in the main game. These fan disks are literally just fluff and fan service in the best way as possible. It’s just giving you more story, more characters, more interactions with the characters, more scenarios with the characters. If you like the main game and you want more, there is really no way you’re gonna go wrong if you get the fan desk. Something else you might see in a fan disc is extended story within the main game. So I’ll use hakuoki as my example for this.

Hakuoki, the main game, takes place over years, a really long period of time. So I know they have lots of fan disc content that takes place in the middle. It gives you more scenes, more context, more of the characters building their relationship together over the years of the main game. Hakuoki has after stories and ending stories as well, but they do also have a lot of stuff that happened in the middle of the story just to add more content text, to add filler episodes, so to speak. I love Atomic Games and I love playing them. But if there’s a fan disk, it’s probably going to become my favorite content for the game. Because usually the whole point is either to get you into the romance as quickly as possible, if it is like an alternate universe type story or an alternate scenario story or it’s just gonna be the ending, it’s gonna be all the good stuff. It’s gonna be weddings, it’s gonna be really declaring your love for the character. And when it came to a game like Pio Fiore, when I played the fan disc, that ended up being my favorite part of the game series was the fan desk. Hopefully I explain that well and hopefully I cleared up any questions people might have had. But if you have any other questions, just let me know.