Encounter with Aaron Rodgers at a Mike Stud concert: A Night to Remember

I did meet Aaron Rodgers last night. F.
You did? Oh, yeah.
Where? At, uh,
Mike Stud concert. Mike. Oh, sorry. Um,
I didn’t meet him. How did that go?
Uh, great.
He’s really nice guy. You’ve met both New York quarterbacks now?
Yes, met both New York quarterbacks.
He was a shy, shy fella,
but he’s just, like.
He’s got that aura, you know?
Like, I would have moved him up on that list to five after last night.
Let’s go. He’s got an aura, dude.
He’s very. He’s very sure of himself,
but, like,
also modest. Like,
he kind of was in. In person. Uh,
not. Not.
He just was, like,
kind of chilling in the back that,
like, the crowd was screaming for him to come on stage.
He just, like.
Did he go on stage? He went like this and went.
Went back.
It was. It was.
It was nice. I liked Aaron Rodgers.
I’ll say it. I liked him.
Nice guy. Um.
I like this. Yeah.
Nice mustache, by the way.
Jets plus 4 against the Niners.