The Iron Rig: A Cosmic Horror Fishing Adventure – Dredge Expansion Review

This one is for all of my cozy horror lovers.
One of my favorite games of all time.
Dredge has a new expansion that is available now.
Dredge is a cosmic horror fishing adventure
where you investigate a strange series of goings on in your business
as a fisherman and things get a little bit sinister.
The Iron Rig is a brand new expansion that is going to add a new
constructible destination that comes with its own story,
items and adversities.
It’s gonna add about two to five hours of content
that you can play at any time
in your playthrough of dredge.
There’s a brand new side story
where you investigate ancient disturbances stirring in the deep.
There’s new equipment to craft more than 50 new fish,
and opportunities to advance to a new tier of your boathole
which is bigger and better than before.
Dredge is available now on Steam, Xbox,
Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation.
The Iron Rig expansion is available now.