Title: Promoter’s Pursuit: Making Deals with Champions

We’ve made offers to Brian Norman,
WBO champion. Barrios, um,
WBC champion, and lip. Uh, sorry,
Lipinets, Staniunas,
WBA champion. Um,
all have been rejected. The one that I think has legs,
and I saw him and his father come out in the last 24 hours,
is Brian Norman, the WBO champion.
We made Top Rank two offers now for Brian Norman.
Both have been rejected in.
In a pleasant fashion. I mean, not,
you know, we get on very well with Top Rank.
He said. He posted yesterday saying we made a counter offer.
We’ve not received any counter offer.
So, Brian,
if you would like to make a counter offer,
please hurry up and do so.
But I want to make that fight.
And if Brian Norman as the balls,
and if Brian Norman is genuine.
Brian, if you’re genuine,
let’s go. Let’s speed it up.
Let’s get this fight made,
because these are the kind of fights we should be making.
Brian Norman says boots is not the bogey man.
He’s overhyped.
Come on, Brian,
if you believe that. Let’s get this fight made.