Corner Shop Culinary Adventure: Reviewing Strange Snacks and Unexpected Delights

today I’m trying more weird food from the corner shop
the first thing I grabbed was a chicken
sage and onion and stuffed in sandwich
Big up the chickens
then I grab myself something you could only find in the north
a corned beef pie
then I went for a pack of these Crunch Chips
paprika flavour
I saw this weird pineapple drink
that was wrote in hieroglyphics
and for dessert I grabbed myself an attack bar
and for second dessert I grabbed myself a heralki bar
alright let’s head back to the hotel
and see if it’s any good
okay so the first thing we’re trying out is the attack bar
no idea where this is from
but I’ve never seen it in the UK before
so it kinda looks like a normal chocolate bar
but it’s actually a wafer
and a pretty good one at that
this thing was only 65 p as well
standard chocolate flavour
I’m giving it an 8 out of 10
okay next up we got our weird hieroglyphic pineapple drink
I don’t know if this thing’s really old or something
but it’s got that old school ring pull on it
and when I drank this I was greeted by a mouthful of moldy chunks
this is getting a zero out of 10
okay next up we got the corned beef pie
we’ve all had a steak pie
a mince pie a chicken pie
but it’s not very often you come across a corned beef pie
and the first bite was pretty good
but not a lot of meat
so I tore it open and took a bite out the middle
and man
that was a big mistake this taste like absolute dog
2 out of 10 okay
next stop we got the crunch chips
pick up the polish
so you can tell these things were seasoned well by the colour of them
and man
these tasted like heaven
it has a nice meaty flavour
even though it’s paprika
and this entire pack only cost £1
you really can’t complain
these are banging I’m giving them a 9 out of ten
okay what kind of man would I be if I didn’t get a sandwich
we’re going for chicken sage and onion and stuffing
when I open this I noticed it had something weird sitting on the top
but we’ll ignore that and do the filling check
and this is the first time I’ve seen actual chicken
on one of these sandwiches
and guys
I think I found the only sandwich from a corner shop I’ve ever liked
we need to try this with the Crunch Chips
get a nice healthy portion
but not enough to overpower the chicken flavour
and oh
my god this was banging
10 out of 10 can’t complain
okay now for dessert
we got a heralki bar again
another wafer thing
and this one had a peanut butter flavour
six out of 10 can’t complain